
Privacy Policy

1. Nature of Business:

We specialize in providing AI chatbot solutions tailored for therapists. Our service involves creating AI chatbots that interact with clients as if they were the therapists themselves. To achieve this, we collect and utilize personal and business information provided by our clients to program these AI assistants.

2. Data Collection:

We collect specific personal and business details to program the AI chatbots effectively. This information includes but is not limited to names, contact information, business specifics, and any other pertinent data required to ensure a personalized and realistic interaction experience between the chatbot and the end-users.

3. Purpose of Collection:

The collected data is solely used for the purpose of programming AI chatbots to emulate the conversational style, responses, and professional information of the therapists they represent. This enables a more engaging and tailored interaction between the chatbot and the end-users seeking therapeutic assistance.

4. Personal Information:

We collect personal information directly from our clients to develop and customize the AI chatbots. This data is securely stored in our CRM system and utilized exclusively for the intended purpose of enhancing the AI chatbot's capabilities.

5. Data Usage:

The collected information is strictly used for programming AI chatbots and is not employed for any other purposes beyond providing the AI chatbot service to our clients.

6. Data Storage:

All crucial information linked to our clients is stored in a secure CRM system. Our data storage facilities are equipped with 2-step verification, regular backups, and robust security measures to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of the stored data.

7. Data Security Measures:

We prioritize the security of the stored data and have implemented stringent measures to prevent unauthorized access, misuse, or alteration of the information stored in our systems.

8. Data Sharing:

We do not share any collected information with third parties. All data remains within our secure systems and is used exclusively for the development and improvement of our AI chatbot services.

9. Cookies and Tracking:

We do not utilize cookies or any form of tracking technologies on our platform.

10. User Consent:

By engaging with our services, clients implicitly provide consent for the collection and utilization of their information for the purpose of AI chatbot programming.

11. Data Retention:

The information collected from clients is retained for the duration of the contractual agreement. Upon termination or cancellation of the service contract, all collected data is securely deleted from our systems, ensuring the complete removal of client information.

12. User Rights:

Clients retain the right to access, rectify, or request the deletion of their personal information from our systems. They can exercise these rights by contacting us through the provided means on our contact page.

13. Updates to Policy:

We regularly review and update our privacy policy to ensure compliance with evolving data protection laws and to reflect any changes in our data handling practices. Any updates to the policy will be promptly communicated to our clients.

14. Legal Compliance:

Our data handling procedures adhere strictly to the laws and regulations governing data protection in the United Kingdom. We remain committed to upholding the highest standards of privacy and confidentiality.

15. Children's Privacy:

We do not knowingly collect information from individuals under the age of 13. Our services are intended for use by adults or individuals with the legal capacity to enter into contractual agreements.

16. International Data Transfers:

There are no international data transfers associated with our standard service packages.

17. Contact Information:

Clients can reach out to us through various channels listed on our contact page for any inquiries, concerns, or requests regarding their data and our services.

18. Opt-out Options:

Clients have the option to terminate their service contract with us, thereby discontinuing the collection and usage of their personal information for AI chatbot programming.

19. Third-Party Involvement (Premium Package):

For our premium service package, we ensure that information gathered through the basic and standard packages is not shared with OpenAI. This premium package guarantees enhanced confidentiality and security of conversations and data, ensuring they remain exclusive to our platform and not accessible to third-party entities like OpenAI.

20. Policy Acceptance:

Clients agree to abide by the terms of this privacy policy when opting for any of our service packages.

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Awesome team

Crafted for world-class performance and developed with unmatched expertise.

Catherina Cruz

Project lead

Peter Brown


Patricia Philly


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